Portfolio: Tatum

Final Project!

Here it is! “Webs of Indebtedness:” Visualizing the Tangled Network of Credit & Debt in 18th-Century Dutchess County, NY

Portfolio: Tatum

Draft-Final Project

Net Worth Transaction Averages Average Amount of Creditors & Debtors per Insolvent Debtor Full Network Colored by Type Insolvent Debtor: Red Creditor: Blue Debtor: Green Orange: Both (Creditor & Debtor ) Full Network Colored by gender Male: Blue Female: Orange Filtered Network Filtered to show only people connected to 2 or more other nodes Colored […]

Portfolio: Tatum Portfolios

Module 10:Work

(4/21/21) I’m adding to this draft as work this week. Notebook in progress Network, things I have added so far: -Color nodes by type (insolvent debtor, creditor, debtor, both) -Zoom function Network, things I want to achieve: -thickness of links and color dictated by sum of pence and whether debit or credit -default node size […]

Portfolio: Tatum Portfolios

Module 9: Work

Here is my data set: Cleaning– I’ve spent the last two weeks cleaning my data and beginning to extend it. My first focus was cleaning the names. In order to show more connectivity in my network, I need to rectify variant spellings, so I could track the same person across multiple transactions. I started […]

Portfolio: Tatum Portfolios Project Proposal

Module 6: Project Proposal

Here is my data set: My data is drawn from my transcriptions of Dutchess County, NY Ancient Documents from 1770-1775. The records I transcribed were from the filings of imprisoned insolvent debtors who sought relief under various NY colonial acts relating to insolvency passed between 1770 to 1775.When an insolvent debtor filed for relief, […]