Portfolio: NTruax Portfolios

Module 9 Plan

This data represents a chance to see how the differing values of Federalists and Anti-Federalists affected Philadelphians based on race, gender, and occupation. It also gives a chance to see how poverty affects those same classes when it comes to economic opportunity and treatment within a class based society.

I will be adding overall population numbers for Philadelphia from census data. The years will be 1790, 1800, and 1810. I’ll bring the in to put the almshouse admissions into context with the greater overall population.

My visuals are a work in progress, but they will be a mix of line graphs and bar graphs to represent proportions of the population and how they were affected by the political transition.

One reply on “Module 9 Plan”

If you haven’t found it yet, the codebook for this data is here. What work is the population data going to do for you? The almshouse admissions seem relatively small compared to the overall population. Are you looking for whether the almshouse admissions go up or down relative to population growth?

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