I am going to use Her Hat Was In the Ring: US Women Who Ran For Office Before 1920, http://www.herhatwasinthering.org/index.php.
I thought this would provide a number of options to explore the data- locations where there may be clusters of activity, certain years, political parties, movements, etc. After discussing with Prof. Kane, I am also looking forward to trying to utilize visual media that may be available to create a dynamic presentation using Tableau. Also, this dataset just cheered me up! I don’t have too many detailed questions at this point but I think they will pop up once I start futzing around with the data.
All the projects sound really great!
One reply on “Module 6 Final Project Dataset”
I don’t have many new thoughts on this since we spoke, but it may be worth adding a column to categorize what kind of office they were running for (local/state/national) and see if either they tend to run for higher offices later in life, if women in certain occupations run for certain offices or levels of office, or if there’s more women running for national office closer to 1920 or something.
Ashlyn is also thinking about doing the Her Hat data if you’re interested in a group project https://dhpracticum21.maevekane.net/2021/03/21/module-6-breather-2/