Portfolio: Haller Portfolios Project Proposal

Module 6: Breather

I am interested in the datasets compiled in the “The Institutionalization Effect: The Impact of Mental Hospitalization and Imprisonment on Homicide in the US 1934-2001” After opening and looking through “The Institutionalization Effect” and the “Boys Town Study of Youth Development” datasets via OpenRefine and their code books, the data in “The Institutionalization Effect” seemed […]

Portfolio: Swezey Portfolios Project Proposal

Module 6: Project Proposal

For my final project, I’m considering two different datasets: Tim Renner, “Haunted Places in America.”*Probably restricting it to New York State/Northeast due to the amount of data Executions in New York State, extracted from The hauntings dataset is very fun- everyone loves a good spooky experience. While looking through it, I was struck […]

Portfolio: Macey Portfolios Project Proposal

Module 6-Final Project Proposal

Here are two different datasets I am interested in looking at for the final project that Professor Kane provided. I think for both of these datasets, I could work with Tableau or some other sort of data visualization project. Tim Renner, “Haunted Places in America.” [Download] National Register of Historic Places. (“Everything” spreadsheet) […]

Portfolio: Loughran Portfolios Project Proposal

6: Final Project Proposal

I will use three datasets that Prof. Kane assembled for the Module 2: Data Critique assignment. These are the two Jelles Fonda datasets and the Dutch Account books from the Indigenous Economic Data category. I explored the Unidentified Dutch Account book, but I want to look at Fonda’s account books as well and see if […]