How To

Tableau group by decade

Working in Tableau, you may want to group individual numbers in some way–for example, group years by decade. You can do this using a calculated field with this formula: [Year] – ([Year] % 10) What this formula does is use a modulo operator (%) to find the remainder based on division by the number following […]

How To

Adding type columns

Adding a column to your dataset categorizing your data is one way to extend and further analyze your data. You can do this by hand, but if your dataset is especially large, OpenRefine can make your life easier by finding common terms and bulk editing your data. To do this, bring your data into OpenRefine […]

How To


To make comparisons that have analytical meaning, we often need to find comparable proportions. For example, it doesn’t make sense to argue that California is more car-focused than Rhode Island because there are more cars in California. There are also more people in California, so of course the absolute number of cars is going to […]

How To

tableau embeds

To make your Tableau embeds interactive, you will need to use the HTML block to insert your embed code. Use the plus icon when hovering between paragraphs to search for the HTML block and select it. Insert your Tableau embed code into the block that comes up, and click preview to make sure your embed […]