Portfolio: Shawn F.

Module 11: Final Project Update 3

In terms of roadblocks I’ve faced in forming this project, most have to do with data cleaning. More specifically, my dataset was compiled using a codebook, so dates and the like did not conform to workable standards for Tableau. For this reason, I had to break apart columns using field length factors, standardize the various components of the figures, and then recombine them. Ironically, after do this Tableau still did not recognize the resulting date information. I was luckily able to transition to a year based approach (the columns for which I had not deleted after separating), which I think lends enough detail to the chronology of my argument (I think days and months might actually have become nuissance in my visualizations).

As regards my visualizations themselves, my focus was on utility. Each vis was created to serve a specific analytical purpose, which I think they do well. Aesthetically, I chose a graded blue scheme as a reflection of the blues worn by Union soldiers.

Before filming my conference presentation, I still have to familiarize myself a bit more with the historiography of the topic, of which I have already collected several good examples. I likewise should conduct some mathematical calculations to reinforce the proportions reflected in my pie chart visualizations. I think this will add overall to my argument and presentation.