Module 3 Assignment Thinking With Data

Tatum, Module 3 Assignments

These assignments really made me slow down and make sure to read each word. I had to read each instruction 3+ times and finally understood. However, I don’t  know how much I’ll remember, or if I’ll mix up JavaScript and Python.

I understand the logic, but trying to figure out the order of operations had me spinning my wheels for a while. 

For me, it was a matter of remembering when you’ve already told the program what to name each action you’re trying to accomplish. I got to the very end of the Colab assignment, and had not realised that “data ” had been defined and was the variable needed to get the file to display. 

It is exciting to see a piece of code correctly display what you intended–it’s like magic!


Intro to Observable

Intro to Colab

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